Friday, January 23, 2009

FlashBack Friday!

Remember when?

The only folks that had cell phones were doctors and hustlers?

“your Muva” was thee single most vicious thing you could EVER say to someone?

Television shows actually had casts?

Michael Jackson was THE MAN?

Pong could entertain you for HOURS? I mean it was a little ass line and a ball and a “bloop” sound! AMAZING!

Superman the movie looked believable? LOL, the special effects NOW look whack as hell!

Bobby Brown was a heartthrob?

You used to sit by the radio with your finger on the “Record” button, trynna make a mixtape? LOL OR video mixtape while watching Video Soul?

You called someone and got that annoying busy tone. Wasn’t nothing you could do but WAIT…or do an “emergency breakthrough”. LMAO

You could play on peoples phones WITHOUT them calling you back. I KNOW ITS YOU RAY-RAY! The caller ID say Ray Smif!

Getting touched on the butt (or touching a girls butt) was like sex?

You thought the year 2000 was gonna be like the Jetsons?

Biker shorts were the rage?

Your time telling skills were based on “when the street lights came on”?

You paid damn near $100 for an outfit that looked like someone had worn it for years? USED jeans man? LOL

Jim Carey was funny?

One pair of shoe laces just WASN’T enough?

For my DC folks
Remember when:

You didn’t have cable…you had Super TV?

Work the Walls got a REAL video?

Crystal Skate was the “hangout”?

You wanted to be on that Dance Connection with the “Moon Man”?

You’d get dressed to go walk the strip at Hains Point and see who could get the most numbers?

Landover Mall had stores?

Baltimore seemed like another country? Well? LOL

There were concerts at the Capital Center?

They instituted uniforms in the schools?

You would get pysched to hear that police band come to your school?

EU went national with Go-Go?

Mostly I remember when my ass…
DIDN’T have to get up and go to work! SHEESH!
What do YOU remember?